News in AL DeMolay

Our amazing advisors

We are always grateful for the blessings of an amazing advisor. They invest their time, talent and love into the growth and success of our youth and the Order of DeMolay. Their support and sacrifices should not go unnoticed or unappreciated so we would like to recognize the following advisors for their exemplary leadership and guidance in the year of 2024!  

Ted Loggins- Zerubbabel Key for Swan Creek Chapter 

Allen McGee- Active Legion of Honor

Donna McGee- Civic Legion of Honor

Diana Paul- Civic Legion of Honor

Lori Olive- Civic Legion of Honor

Julia Wells- Cross of Honor 

Scott LaGrone- Cross of Honor

Brian Autrey Sr.- Cross of Honor

Tom Paul award recipient 

Congratulations Will of Rocket City DeMolay on being named the Tom Paul DeMolay of the Year! 

2025 Region Conferences

These are the dates and locations for the 2025 Region Conferences. Please speak with your local chapter advisors and your Executive Officer if you are interested in attending.